The Saturday Climate Insider
Climate Insiders
Is Investing in Nature the Next Economic Revolution? (ft. Dr. Martin R. Stuchtey from The Landbanking Group)

Is Investing in Nature the Next Economic Revolution? (ft. Dr. Martin R. Stuchtey from The Landbanking Group)

Welcome to the Climate Insiders podcast new look! 🎙✨🔥

Nature Capital is a backbone of a sustainable economic model that benefits everyone

Prof. Dr. Martin R. Stuchtey from The Landbanking Group (and previous founder of Systemiq Ltd.) joins me to go deep on the impact of investing in nature.

We break down nature’s role in reshaping our economic systems and safeguarding the climate.

We explore:

- The role of nature in our economic systems
- Why we need to preserve nature for future generations
- How to shift from an extractive to a regenerative economic model
- The potential for nature-based assets for the next generation and the economy
- The importance of Nature as Wealth and including natural capital on balance sheets

Watch the episode to understand why nature capital might be the most crucial asset class of the 21st century.

Check out the full episode in the comments!

P.S. If you enjoy this episode, please let us know your thoughts in the comments on YouTube!

Enjoy the episode ✨🎙


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Yoann Berno

The Saturday Climate Insider
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